Respect of human rights-related international standards
- - Respect and support internationally used human
rights-related international standards such as Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, UN Implementation Principles
on Companies and Human Rights, UN Global Compact, and
OECD Guidelines for Multinational Corporations.
- - Establish precise human rights policy and system and
endeavor not to violate human rights in the business
activity processes.
- - Support trading partners in complying with human rights
regulations as required by human rights-related international
standards, protect employees’ human rights, and treat
employees fairly.
Due diligence for the respect of human rights
- - Due diligence can be conducted for business activities that
breach human rights or give rise to complaints.
- - Seek a reasonable solution in case of human rights violation
or when complaints are raised due to the company’s business
activities, according to the due diligence results.
- - Communicate with stakeholders in relation to human
rights-related activity results.
- - Communicate with stakeholders in relation to human
rights-related activity results.
Protection of employees
- - Do not engage in any verbal, physical, and visual behavior
that causes unpleasantness to others including sexual
harassment violating personal human rights.
- - Respect the employee’s personal life, refrain from slandering
or defaming others and from disclosing personal information.
- - Do not cause work to be performed involuntarily through
mental and physical coercion.
- - Comply with each country’s labor act and international
standards for minors’ labor conditions and minimum labor
age standard.
- - Conform to safety regulations faithfully and take proper
action for any and all detected risk factors.
Respect and equality
- - Do not discriminate or mock a person due to race,
nationality, gender, age, education background, religion,
region, disorder, marriage status, and sexual preference.
- - Equally offer opportunities in employment, in case one is
equipped with job qualification factors and capabilities.
- - Respect various cultural differences and maintain a sound
working environment.
Guarantee of legal and dignified employment conditions
- - Promptly handle human rights issues raised by employees
using the company’s grievance system.
- - Guarantee employment conditions including maintenance
of proper working hours so that the person concerned can
lead a life wherein human dignity is maintained.
Community effort to respect human rights
- - If human rights are breached in a community due to the
company’s business activities, collect opinions and endeavor
to solve the human rights issue.