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Based on accumulated technical capabilities by designing 40-year steel plants, POSCO A&C has secured long-stand-
ing sophisticated skills that encompass every work classification throughout production facilities, including
economic feasibility, production lines, and auxiliary facilities.
Equipped with excellent organizational competence optimized for plant designing, we at POSCO A&C take into
account the best function, economic feasibility, efficiency, and the environment as well as user-friendly designs.
With our design experiences in various production facilities, including the POSCO-SS VINA mini mill in Vung Tau,
Vietnam, the POSCO ENERGY fuel cell stacks manufacturing plant in Pohang, Korea, and the PMC-TECH needle coke
factory in Gwangyang, Korea, we pursue the provision of the ‘Optimal Plant Design ONE-STOP Service’ to the entire
plant facilities by reviewing economic feasibility and integrated design for the whole work types, as well as by
designing infrastructure, management buildings, and subsidiary facilities.

Before Service

  • Provide items to reduce project cost.
  • Maximize usable space.
  • Provide eco-friendly design ideas.

Cost and Quality Management

  • Retain expertise on cost due to accumulated quantity surveying experiences
  • International VE team for Design review.
  • Provide optimal design through the collaboration for construction document.

Plant Expertise

  • Hold technical competences in plants like POSCO design standards.
  • Use design database with systematic management.

Estimation construction cost/Performing optimal design

Process - Design Process for Economic Feasibility

IDEA - Ideas for Economical Design & Project cost Redaction


Featured Work

Gwangyang Needle Coke FactoryPOSCO SS-VINA Mini Mill & Dock ConstructionPOSCO ENERGY Fuel Cell Stacks Manufacturing PlantPOSCO SS Forging Factory

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