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Research on Market Demand-based Diffusion of Existing Building Greening

Research on market demand-based diffusion of existing building greening 2 table
Project Name Urban Planning Research
December, 2011~ April, 2016 (4 years & 7 months)
Client Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement (MLTM)
POSCO A&C, KICT, EAN Technology, GS E&C, Sungkyunkwan University 
Our Research

[Details Ⅰ: commissioning] Module Manufacturing and Construction Technology Development
Manufacture and construct mock-up and develop manuals of vertical extension for the green
remodeling of existing building.

  • Pilot Project Application and Performance Evaluation
  • Factory Manufacture of Mock-up and Preparation of Site Construction Manual per Step
  • Details 1 - Waterproof,Ventilation,Skin,Natural lighting,Lightweight pre-fab,Insulation
  • + Details 2 - Photovoltaic power generation Wind power generation High efficiency lighting Heating/air-conditioning
  • + Details 3 - Building remodeling Interior renovation High efficiency lighting Heating/air-conditioning
  • = Details 4 - X-ray on Evaluation object Integrated information system BIZ Model /Policy
Pilot project application

Consumer-Customized Pre-fab Housing Technology Development and
Test Bed Application

Consumer-Customized Pre-Fab Housing Technology Development and Building of Test Bed table
Project Name Urban Planning Research
December, 2013 ~ December, 2017 (4 years)
Client Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement (MLTM)
POSCO A&C, KICT, Hyundai AMCO, DMP, SH Corp., Seoul National University 
Our Research

Manufacturing and Construction of Pre-fab Housing
Mock-up Manufacturing and Construction to Actualize the Test Bed of Pre-fab Housing

  • Design, manufacture, and construction to build the test bed of Pre-fab housing
  • Drawing measures to ensure economic efficiency in the design, manufacturing, and construction of pre-fab housing
  • Devising measures to improve Pre-fab housing defects and quality, drawing up user/manager
    maintenance manuals

Standardization through three major tests of consumer-customized pre-fab housing


Three major tests

‘Technical test completion’ through objective performance evaluation of Korea’s pre-fab housing technology

‘Construction test completion’through construction period reduction of pre-fab housing test bed

‘Economic efficiency test completion’ through economic efficiency analysis and commercialization model development of pre-fab housing

Research Field
Technology development,Construction of test bed,Performance evaluation and assessment after moving in,Commercialization model development and supply expansion measure
3+ = 3Consumers + 3Methods + 3Tests
World top level pre-fab housing technology development and test bed embodiment


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